vCloud Director Eval pt1
Recently, I've become interested in researching private cloud stack platforms. There are a a lot to choose from out there, and offer cross platform systems that I will probably jump into next since I have been working pretty heavily with XenServer and VDI-in-a-Box (which is awesome and super simple to set up if you haven't given it a go), but I decided to stick with what I am most familiar with for the time being and give VMWare vCloud Director a shot. Its been fun so far, and Ive only had to hose my home lab twice by means of a misconfigured dvSwitch and a virtualized vCenter before finally deciding to spool up two virtual ESX boxes in order to create a sandbox to play with this all in. I suggest you do the same if you decide to give it a shot. Below you can find a video that walks you through the initial configuration of the virtual appliance from VMWare. I've also included some links below that might be useful for reference.